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Here at Taxchic HQ, Kym & Vanessa like to do things bit differently to help you and your business smash your goals!

Together they are a powerhouse to steer your business in the right direction during both the good and the bad times. Accountants, Financial Adviser, Educator, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and huge advocates that you can achieve financial freedom without sacrificing smashed avocado brunch dates! 

Welcome to the Taxchic HQ.

If there's absolutely anything that we can do to help you, please reach out.  We'd love to hear from you.




Vanessa isn't your regular bean counter!  She swears way too much, she's pretty opinionated and not afraid to tell it like is + she loves a good G&T. 

Being a Mumma of 4 wildlings (yes four, not a typo, we think she's insane too!) and self-confessed terrible housewife, Vanessa loves everything about business and has entrepreneurial tendencies heading up a rocking Accounting Practice with work wife, Kym Hocking over three office locations in Brisbane, Ipswich and her home town, Goondiwindi. 

Vanessa also runs a Financial Advice Business, a Property Management Firm and she even owns and helps run a pub can you believe!  But still, she's hell bent on teaching people how to sort their business and financial shit show and how to kick arse at this adulting thing.  Yep, she's no ordinary bean counter! 

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Kym was raised up North on a cane farm and she specialises in Tax and Primary Production. Her extensive experience and background includes working as Manager at Ernst & Young, in the commercial sector in London and she brings worlds of knowledge and skill with her.  Kym is a member of the Chartered Accountants of Australia and is the kind of Accountant you don't expect to find outside the Big 4 but work life balance is her priority, she loves thinking outside the box to get her client the very best tax outcomes. 


Kym is a fabulous analytical Accountant and she enjoys working with clients to make tax law and meeting obligations easy! She's a wiz at cash flows, excel and general business advisory. Kym is the backbone of the Brisbane office and keep the entire team sailing in the right direction.

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White Chair in an Empty Room



Image by Fabian Blank


First Aid



Image by John T


Image by You X Ventures



Thanks for submitting! We'll be in touch soon!

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Financial services are provided to you by HM Financial Partners is an Authorised Representative (#473019) of Sentry Financial Services Pty Ltd (AFSL 286786).

Tax & accounting services are provided to you by HM Business Partners.

Property services are provided by HM Property Partners.


Warning: The information contained herein is of a general nature only and does not constitute advice. You should not act on any information without considering your personal needs, circumstances and objectives. We recommend you obtain professional financial advice specific to your circumstances. You should read any relevant Product Disclosure Statements before making an investment decision.

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