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What are your staffing obligations during a pandemic?

Writer's picture: TAXCHICTAXCHIC

Okay - let me ask you a question....

Lets talk about staffing and what your OBLIGATIONS are right now...

There is a lot of misinformation circulating about staffing rights and your obligation as an employer during these strange times. This is the most crucial time for you, as a business owner, and it's important to be educated, get the facts and have good, honest conversations with your staff that will protect both you and them during this pandemic.

The Office of Fair Trading has great resources and information available for both the employer and the employee when it comes to navigating our way through this pandemic.

As an employer, it is also critical that you look at these Workcover Qld F&Q's to ensure you are providing your staff with a safe workplace. This includes cleaning practices, social distancing and having policies in place to ensure a safe work environment for all employees. Because YES! If you staff contract corona virus at work, you may be liable for a work cover claim and YES this means an excess is payable generally to the tune of one weeks salary.

I strongly suggest you brush up and do some reading if you have staff!

DISCLAIMER - As you know, I am not an Industrial Lawyer! Let me make this very clear, this is general information to point you in the right direction.

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